Wednesday, May 28, 2008

....were there many other big bangs?

One Big Bang, or were there many?[,,1768191,00.html] The universe is at least 986 billion years older than physicists thought and is probably much older still, according to a radical new theory.The revolutionary study suggests that time did not begin with the big bang 14 billion years ago. This mammoth explosion which created all the matter we see around us, was just the most recent of many.The standard big bang theory says the universe began with a massive explosion, but the new theory suggests it is a cyclic event that consists of repeating big bangs and big crunches - where every particle of matter collapses together."People have inferred that time began then, but there really wasn't any reason for that inference," said Neil Turok, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cambridge, "What we are proposing is very radical. It's saying there was time before the big bang."Under his theory, published today in the journal Science with Paul Steinhardt at Princeton University in New Jersey, the universe must be at least a trillion years old with many big bangs happening before our own. With each bang, the theory predicts that matter keeps on expanding and dissipating into infinite space before another horrendous blast of radiation and matter replenishes it. "I think it is much more likely to be far older than a trillion years though," said Prof Turok. "There doesn't have to be a beginning of time. According to our theory, the universe may be infinitely old and infinitely large."Today most cosmologists believe the universe will carry on expanding until all the stars burn out, leaving nothing but their cold dead remains. But there is an inherent problem with this picture. The Cosmological Constant - a mysterious force first postulated by Albert Einstein that appears to be driving the galaxies apart - is much too small to fit the theory. Einstein later renounced it as his "biggest blunder".

The Cosmological Constant is a mathematical representation of the energy of empty space, also known as "dark energy", which exerts a kind of anti-gravity force pushing galaxies apart at an accelerating rate.It happens to be a googol (1 followed by 100 zeroes) times smaller than would be expected if the universe was created in a single Big Bang. But its value could be explained if the universe was much, much older than most experts believe.Mechanisms exist that would allow the Constant to decrease incrementally through time. But these processes would take so long that, according to the standard theory, all matter in the universe would totally dissipate in the meantime.Turok and Steinhardt's theory is an alternative to another explanation called the "anthropic principle", which argues that the constant can have a range of values in different parts of the universe but that we happen to live in a region conducive to life."The anthropic explanations are very controversial and many people do not like them," said Alexander Vilenkin a professor of theoretical physics at Tufts University in Maryland. Rather than making precise predictions for features of the universe the anthropic principle gives a vague range of values so it is difficult for physicists to test, he added."It's absolutely terrible, it really is giving up," said Prof Turok, "It's saying that we are never going to understand the state of the universe. It just has to be that way for us to exist." His explanation by contrast is built up from first principles.But if he's right, how long have we got until the next big bang? "We can't predict when it will happen with any precision - all we can say is it won't be within the next 10 billion years." Good job, because if we were around we would instantly disintegrate into massless particles of light.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ica stones

They are carved stones supposedly found in a cave in the coastal desert city of Ica, Peru. In the 1960's a farmer claimed to have found piles and piles of rocks deep in various gorges and caves not far from the Nazca Lines. The native farmer produced only bags of stones at first, but later, he produced literally thousands of the artifacts. The farmer was arrested and after confinement he suddenly admitted in writing that the stones were hoaxed and that he had carved the stones himself. After purchasing many stones from him, Dr.Cabrera found that the stones are indeed authentic.

The stones come in all sizes. There are small ones that can fit in the palm of you hand. There are rocks as large as a dog. All of the stones have images that have been carved with continuous lines etched into the rock surface.They are a form of Andesite, a gray to black volcanic rock, and a very hard mineral that would make etching quite difficult with primitive tools, a local river rock, covered with a patina of natural oxidation. Laboratories in Germany have authenticated the incisions that make up the carvings as extremely ancient. Nearby fossil finds indicate the area to be replete in bone fragments millions of years old.

The surface of these rocks, however, has a varnish that is the result of bacteria and minute organisms which have adhered to them. A good black varnish or patina will take thousands of years to discolor and coat each stone. Etching these rocks would have removed the existing varnish, revealing the bare rock. Since these rocks have developed additional varnish in the grooves, it seems likely that they have were carved a long time ago. Dr. Cabrera's library is organized by subject matter including the races of man, ancient animals, lost continents, and the knowledge of a global catastrophe. There are scenes of natives adorned with robes and high crowns, similar to the Incas, performing medical procedures on patients. Several depict heart and brain transplants. There is a series of four stones show the hemispheres of Earth pointing to the existence of unknown continent's that today remains a part of our collective myth.

Rama's bridge/Adams bridge

This is wat I studied in two different articles. The following facts are excerpts from the articles:Space images taken by NASA reveal a mysterious ancient bridge in the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka. The bridge currently named as Adam´s Bridge is made of chain of shoals, c.18 mi (30 km) long.The bridge´s unique curvature and composition by age suggests that it may be man made. The legends as well as Archeological studies reveal that the first signs of human inhabitants in Sri Lanka date back to the primitive age, about 1,750,000 years ago.(I don’t know whether this is true/ not)In the epic Ramayana, there is a mentioning about a bridge, which was built between Rameshwaram (India) and Srilankan coast under the supervision of Prince Rama who is supposed to be the incarnation of the supreme.But another theory (with the literary and archeological data) point to a more reasonable timeframe around 1900 B.C.E. when Prince Rama was assisted by Hanumant, a leader of a small tribe known as 'Vahner' to enhance the natural rock formation between India and Sri Lanka to cross it to move in troops and arms for a war with a Lankan King. The word 'Vahner' was mistranslated into Sanskrit as 'Vanara' which means 'Monkey' and the mythology grew from there. The Adam’s bridge over Palk Strait, said to be the remains of a bridge built by Lord Rama, dates back to only 3,500 years and not 1.7 million years as claimed earlier.

A team from the Centre for Remote Sensing (CRS) of Bharathidasan University, Tiruchi, has come up with startling facts about this ‘‘bridge’’. Led by Professor S.M. Ramasamy, the team is studying the geological changes that took place along the Tamil Nadu coastline in the past 40,000 years.Prof.Ramasamy explains that the land/beaches were formed between Ramanathapuram and Pamban because of the long shore drifting currents which moved in an anti-clockwise direction in the north and clockwise direction in the south of Rameswaram and Talaimannar about 3,500 years ago.The sand was dumped in a linear pattern along the current shadow zone between Dhanushkodi and Talaimannar. Later, corals may have accumulated over these linear sand bodies.But as the carbon dating of the beaches roughly matches the dates of Ramayana, its link to the epic needs to be explored, he adds. Declining to comment whether the bridge was indeed built by Rama, Prof.Ramasamy says he would leave that to the experts to answer..

Past traval

If one were able to move information or matter from one point to another faster than light, then according to special relativity, there would be some inertial frame of reference in which the signal or object was moving backwards in time. This is a consequence of the relativity of simultaneity in special relativity, which says that in some cases different reference frames will disagree on whether two events at different locations happened "at the same time" or not, and they can also disagree on the order of the two events (technically, these disagreements occur when spacetime interval between the events is 'space-like', meaning that neither event lies in the future light cone of the other).If one of the two events represents the sending of a signal from one location and the second event represents the reception of the same signal at another location, then as long as the signal is moving at the speed of light or slower, the mathematics of simultaneity ensures that all reference frames agree that the transmission-event happened before the reception-event. However, in the case of a hypothetical signal moving faster than light, there would always be some frames in which the signal was received before it was sent, so that the signal could be said to have moved backwards in time. And since one of the two fundamental postulates of special relativity says that the laws of physics should work the same way in every inertial frame, then if it is possible for signals to move backwards in time in any one frame, it must be possible in all frames. This means that if observer A sends a signal to observer B which moves FTL (faster than light) in A's frame but backwards in time in B's frame, and then B sends a reply which moves FTL in B's frame but backwards in time in A's frame, it could work out that A receives the reply before sending the original signal, a clear violation of causality in every frame.So if we move faster then speed of light ,we will go in past.

The reason why nothing travels faster than light

Hi,This is an Idea Which occured to me - Please comment on this. Before this let me make one thing clear. We can learn things from Observation and experiments(This is what we see). Other things we solve it using math, but it should have some experiments and observation related to it(And this why string theory is still a incomplete theory.My theory goes like this "IF THERE EXIST an object in space that can cross the speed of light we will never see or observe or prove that it has crossed the light speed, instead we will come to the conclusion that it traveled at the speed of light".Here is the explanation: we see thing when the light reflects from it. Ok? so if something indeed has moved at a speed greater than light, we will be depending on the light that reflects from it, to observe it. So, our senses(or any other man made object) are limited by the light speed.So, we will only see that object moving at the speed of light(MAX). So could this be the reason nothing travels faster than light? Please share your comments

Thursday, May 22, 2008

HYDROGEN is in the wrong place in the periodic table,how did this happen?

Hydrogen is shown in the wrong position (as a Group 1 element) on the Periodic Table of Elements. Hydrogen is a halogen (Group 17). This page is an exploration of how this misplacement could have happened and gone uncorrected for decades. Click here to see the actual arguments that hydrogen should be classified as a halogen and is therefore in the wrong position within the current 'modern' Periodic Table of Elements.
In the mid-1800's, about 60 elements were recognized and different scientists started trying to find ways to organize them according to both the size of their atoms and the similarities between properties they displayed. Today's Periodic Table of Elements emerged from these efforts.
The best webpage I found with information about the origins and history of the Periodic Table of Elements and it's development can be viewed at It is very well done, both informative and entertaining.
The most useful general arrangement turns out to be a Cartesian grid. Each row represents the elements possible in an electron shell (two elements for the first row, eight elements for the second row, etc). Each column is organized either by the number of electrons in the outer shell OR the number of electrons MISSING from the outer shell.
It's fairly easy to see how the misplacement of hydrogen could have happened in the first place with our left-to-right cultural thinking.
Group One, the left-most column in the Periodic Table, is made up of elements with a single electron in their outer shell. This is the 'first' column and since hydrogen fits this rule, it was very logically positioned at the top of this group.
However, as one begins filling in the elements from left to right in the table, it immediately becomes apparent that most of the columns (groups) should be determined by the number of electrons MISSING from the outer shell. This is usually more important in determining an element's 'similarity of properties' to other elements.
So most of the table needed to be arranged according to the number of electrons missing from the outer shell (from right to left) which it was. One can easily see this simply by looking at the current Periodic Table. Most of the columns are aligned to the right (based on the number of electrons missing and counting up from right to left).
For example, the right-most column (Group 18) consists of elements with zero electrons missing from their outer shells. Their properties are quite unique. They are all gases and all inert which means they won't normally bond with other elements.
This is because all the electron shells are full. They don't 'want to' give up any electrons and they don't have room for any more. This is the most obvious 'group' of elements in the periodic table based on like properties. However, this group was one of the last to be discovered (early 1900's). My guess is that the modern Periodic Table filled out quickly from right to left once the inert gases were added.
The next two most obvious groups, based on like properties, are the alkali metals (Group 1) and halogens (Group 17). These two groups have one electron in their outer shell and one electron missing from their outer shell respectively. They are very active meaning that they bond readily with other elements (especially with each other) because of the free or missing electron. Almost opposite to their neighbor, the inert gas group.
It turns out that if an element has only one electron (alkali metals) or two electrons (alkaline earth metals) in its outer shell, it has some unique similarities to other elements in the same category (same number of electrons in the outer shell), so the left two columns in the periodic table are accurate and useful (for the most part).
Hydrogen has the unique property that it fits into two of the Periodic Table's Groups having both one electron in its outer shell AND one electron missing from its outer shell. It doesn't have to be in Group One. In fact, it fits MUCH better in Group 17. So can anyone please tell me why it is still positioned with alkali metals instead of halogens in the current 'modern' Periodic Table? Are we truly THAT unable to 'think outside the box' as a species?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Is bermuda triangle mystery solved?

hi all mystery lovers.........IFeel that bermuda triangle is no more a mystery after the discovery of atlantian pyramid near bahamas and crystals found inside that pyramid reveal all bizzare phenomenons associated with this devils triangle like generation of electronic fog,spinning compasses,space time warp or wormholes,corona phenomenon, teleportation and many more....note that many renowned psychics told abt the existence of unusual energy or power of crystals in this earths vast graveyard.....u all might hv read abt the famous philadelphia experiment in which teleportation was achieved....a green mist or say an electronic fog was formed before the teleportation of eldrige ship.........its interesting that scientists today r capable of achieving teleportation,space time warp or wormholes,levitation,electronic fog and many more startling suggestion to u all to read a new theory that has been practically successsfful...the hutchisons is a total revolution in physics similar to those days when einsteins general theory of relativity came into picture........

Monday, May 19, 2008

Interesting read it

For years people have written, told stories and even made films about time travel. It is man's greatest fantasy to go back in time to change all his mistakes. Or peek into the future to know what’s about to happen to us. Wouldn’t it be great to know the next president or the no. which will win us a lucky draw? But here I propose to prove that such a machine will be a completely useless invention! This is because a time machine will not only break most of the fundamental laws of physics but will be of no use to man. Let us see how!According to the law of conservation of mass and energy, the total amount of mass + energy in the universe remains constant in a given time period. So, to move from one time instant to another, we’ll have to ‘destroy’ mass + energy in one instant and ‘create’ a similar amount in another. This is not acceptable by the above law. Also it will be very tough to create an exact replica of what was destroyed in the first time instant.But there’s a way to overcome this problem. If instead of ‘destroying & creating’, if we can ‘transform and substitute’ mass and energy, we will not be violating this law. Now let us assume a scientist wanting to create a time machine (in the present), he’ll require help in the future. For this he’ll have to co-ordinate between two time periods and send information from one period to another. He cannot wait for some years to activate it himself. Because in this case, his present (eventually becoming his past), will have no log of him making use of that machine. Similarly one will face the same problem trying to get into the past. He won’t be able to get into the past as in the past he’ll have no idea about the machine! Alternately he’ll need a machine which can send signals from future to past and vice versa. As signals are nothing but energy, he’ll need a time machine to make a time machine. This is absurd as we’ll be tangled in a loop.
For years people have written, told stories and even made films about time travel. It is man's greatest fantasy to go back in time to change all his mistakes. Or peek into the future to know what’s about to happen to us. Wouldn’t it be great to know the next president or the no. which will win us a lucky draw? But here I propose to prove that such a machine will be a completely useless invention! This is because a time machine will not only break most of the fundamental laws of physics but will be of no use to man. Let us see how!According to the law of conservation of mass and energy, the total amount of mass + energy in the universe remains constant in a given time period. So, to move from one time instant to another, we’ll have to ‘destroy’ mass + energy in one instant and ‘create’ a similar amount in another. This is not acceptable by the above law. Also it will be very tough to create an exact replica of what was destroyed in the first time instant.But there’s a way to overcome this problem. If instead of ‘destroying & creating’, if we can ‘transform and substitute’ mass and energy, we will not be violating this law. Now let us assume a scientist wanting to create a time machine (in the present), he’ll require help in the future. For this he’ll have to co-ordinate between two time periods and send information from one period to another. He cannot wait for some years to activate it himself. Because in this case, his present (eventually becoming his past), will have no log of him making use of that machine. Similarly one will face the same problem trying to get into the past. He won’t be able to get into the past as in the past he’ll have no idea about the machine! Alternately he’ll need a machine which can send signals from future to past and vice versa. As signals are nothing but energy, he’ll need a time machine to make a time machine. This is absurd as we’ll be tangled in a loop.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Life on other planets

according to recent studies the approximate number if stars in the universe has been estimated to be 70 sextillion (70,000 million million million), by this one only we have a good reason to beleive that we are not alone in the universe. by using the drake equation or the greenbank equation we can calculate the approximate number of planets with intelligent creatures, if u see u can find many people saying they have seen aliens & UFOs, read the artile at which may be special interest for indians, also see , read more about Area-51, which is source of many alien conspiracy theoties, particularly the one of the best documentary Area 51 : The Alien Interview, Available in 7 parts at (6*10+5=65 min) focus of this is : see A 17 min. Area 51 Military top secret Video at good videos :----------------------UFO : the secrets of black world I - 59 minUFO : the secrets of black world II - 1 hr, 14 min

Black holes may not exist

According to researchers,the traditional astronomers view of a universe liberally sprinkled with invisible,all consuming black holes should b replaced with an alternative magnetic balls of plasma floating in their place.the scientists lead by rudy schild at the harward smithsonian centre for astrophysics spotted wt they claim to b the death knell for black hole theory while observing a quasar ,lurking nine billion light years frm earth.quasars r believed to hv black holes at their centres .after analysing the gentle flickering of quasar,they discoverd a gaping hole in a disc of material surroundingto the centre of quasar as wide as 4000 times the distance frm the earth to sun.the hole,they believe could only b caused by a vast ejection of material propelled by strong magnetic black holes dnt hv magnetic fields ,dr schild team suggests that the quasar must b powered by dense ball of plasma called a MECO(magnetospheric eternally collapsing object).they say this is the first evidence that the whole black hole paradigm is incorrect

Atlantis-The great civilization

Atlantis the great and most developed civilization which influenced many civilizations and can b called as most ancient mother civilization ever existed around 12,000 years ago is no more a mystery today.reasons u all want to we go.................plato,renowned greek philosopher,described abt atlantis in much elaborate way,indian epics ramayana and mahabharata also contains wonderful description of atlantis,bermuda Δ mystery finally solved due to atlantian pyramid found in this region,egyptians learned high tech science including construction of pyramids frm there only,mysterious city containing pyramids found underwater near yonaguni island in japan,proof of war between rama empire and atlantis,atlantian pyramids found underwater in bahamas with its so called energetic crystals,remains of atlantis found all over the world in cay sal,binini,morocco,portugal,mid atlantic including bahamas and finally satellite pictures of atlantis remains found in canada as described by plato which is shown on BBC news channel prove about the existence of great Atlantis.