Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The reason why nothing travels faster than light

Hi,This is an Idea Which occured to me - Please comment on this. Before this let me make one thing clear. We can learn things from Observation and experiments(This is what we see). Other things we solve it using math, but it should have some experiments and observation related to it(And this why string theory is still a incomplete theory.My theory goes like this "IF THERE EXIST an object in space that can cross the speed of light we will never see or observe or prove that it has crossed the light speed, instead we will come to the conclusion that it traveled at the speed of light".Here is the explanation: we see thing when the light reflects from it. Ok? so if something indeed has moved at a speed greater than light, we will be depending on the light that reflects from it, to observe it. So, our senses(or any other man made object) are limited by the light speed.So, we will only see that object moving at the speed of light(MAX). So could this be the reason nothing travels faster than light? Please share your comments


Anonymous said...

I agree with your observation. Our senses are limited in by speed of light. The most sensitive is eye, and it works on light. But what I also agree that that the MAX speed is for humans/animals since our body senses can not see faster than light, but there is always a possibility that there might be waves or some other form of "things" which travel faster than light. So, even if humans can't see, but we might be able to build a device which can measure something faster than light.

Vardhan Thigle said...

Relativity has nothing to do with seeing or the mundane limitations of human senses. The speed of light in free space is just a constant appearing in the theory if we use SI system. The word Free space is very important because if you are immersed in a sea where the speed of electromagnetic waves is much less compared to that of free space (and depends on the frequency) and you want to apply relativity the value of c in the reletivistic formulae is same about 3*10^8 m/s.Please refer to the book by robert resnick on Special theory of relativity for the formal development of the theory.