Saturday, October 4, 2008

Life after death-reincarnation

The clinical evidence for life after death is subjective and arguable. It's often hard to assess the significance of "out of the body experiences," encounters with bright lights, long tunnels, or angelic guides. It's difficult to know how to respond to those who speak of temporary near-death visions into heaven or hell. What we do know is that there are enough of these kinds of experiences to create a sizable library on the subject. Taken as a whole, this body of evidence shows that as people approach death, many sense they are coming not to the end of existence but to the beginning of another journey.
The following segment is a letter from our web site visitor:
Regarding Evolution and Sun Mythology
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have been involved in a trans medium study of spiritual existence which began on the death of my brother, was there an existence after death?
We had that proved innumerable times by visitations, manifestations, taping of spirit voices, psychic recognition that evolved into a "regular chat session" discussing evolution of human beings.
We were shown how we evolved from light, light that is liquid crystal in form and that the Universe is a liquid field or as stated in many myths "a water field". This led us to our evolution from a Sun, whose energy form is liquid crystal light. Where we assumed that the Ancients dedicated their life to reverencing the Sun as a God because it established life on Earth and supported life, they also reverenced the Sun as they "knew" we evolved from its energy source, therefore it is "God-Creator". The light beings we had contact with have led us on a journey of discovery. We learnt how a human light body, our spirit co-exists in the Universe and what function incarnation establishes in the big picture. The tunnels of light seen in NDE's are a field that the human soul (circular energy function) creates-wormholes that action as part of an electromotive grid structure aligning the stars/suns of our Universe. Each life becomes part of the tunnel. Through this system the Universal consciousness flows-an electrical field of light energy. Original human organics was created by a light body interacting with the iron "ion" activity of the Earth, through compression of gravity the human light body once flowed as liquid light, with a chlorophyll base through the light tubes. Interacting with the iron bond, the chlorophyll molecule produces hemoglobin, which consists of the "heme"-tube with the iron molecule, interacting with the alpha wave. Serotonin is the catalyst for producing melatonin-cell color. A study done on rats taking out their blood and re-asserting liquid chlorophyll saw them living a natural and healthy life. A study done on a "Guru" for 64 years showed he existed on light, no food or little water. Through crop circles, the ancient studied Sanskrit patterns align with human cell function and shows us how the Earth is "stamped" with crystalline structures through the Sun "ion" activity-a declension field between the planets alignment and Sirius and our Sun that exist on an ortho plane. Serotonin is a catalyst for human emotion and aligns us to planetary movement affecting our emotional being, which we alter through character changes that links us to Astrology. The mountains play an important role in this evolution, linking them to star alignments, the last human evolution after the great flood and Mt. Ararat and how Atlantis was a huge mountain range, now in the sea bed in the Atlantic, which Science has decreed was once above sea level due to the rock structure. The mountains, just as the pyramid shows us draws on cosmic rays. The mountains draws the crystalline energy structures into the core where they interact with thorium and iron in a vacuum, compression, reasserted at the "apex" where through helix action atomic forms and bonds are created. Earth evolved from Sun implosion of Orion/Sirius and was originally a light orb and our Universe had another 2 planets involved in the sequence. We studied Egyptian Cosmogony from Geb/Osiris/Isis/Seth/Nepthys and have been able to distinguish their Sun activity as Gods through a code. The light beings explained that human language formed from the electrical field-consciousness that flows through the body form as wave patterns. We assert thought form to explain an action which vibrates on the larynx, depicting sound that became syntax to fthen structure the form of words. When you break down the syntax, the names of the Gods verify an energy action that aligns to the story of the myth. The same code can be used for the Bible, all of which evolved through the Priesthood-the Old Mage Orders. Geb was known as 1st Earth, was an original Sun that broke from the field of One, where light originates-1 field of action, simply creative outcome. We exist in a secondary field - double helix - 2 outcomes. Nut in myth is described as "she who swallows universal action". Nut is the N-neutron, U-creative curvature-eye of God creates a reflection field, T-tau-central cross point of the grid. The Sun core is repulsive action and imploded, 1st black hole. The electromotive energy force is found in the "tube" structure, again found in Sanskrit form, fractal energy fields that create grid patterns and assert dimensional fields. Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nepthys were born from this Union, the royal line, heritage. Their names also break down into Sun activity, Isis as a lesser sun form born from the side of Osiris, which is Orion and Sirius. Seth and Nepthys are the "core" positions of the Sun, Seth destroying his brother by the implosion of the core. The body of Orion/Osiris is held together by Sirius/Isis, as our planets are held in a declension field between Sirius and our Sun known as Horus, born from Sirius/Isis. The light beings explained the Earth's core activity is a polar field that functions as a "ray" and all the planets are directly aligned by this "wormhole" affect-tube of light from Sirius's core position. This then creates the "u" field-reflection and space curvature creating a new grid structure. The alien beings were once light beings who chose not to incarnate and eventually left Earth after the great battle depicted in the Avida transcripts discussed by Michael Cremo-de-evolution. They now exist on Nibiru as discussed by Zecharia Sitchen but are not our creators, rather they went against creative principles of joining the field of existence which evolved into organics due to mis-handling of creative outcomes. 2012 is a Universal action where the "alpha" waves heighten, and as they heighten it affects human beings emotional outcomes. It also draws up the lower energy fields, which means that the planet Nibiru is losing its energy field as they are last out in space-the end of the field. Evolution has seen us evolve the light grid back through the "U" curvature of space. This then brings more activity into the Earth field and alien sightings will increase. They enter Earth as zero point-Earth core-vaccuum, which Science is now moving towards discovery and have set down some enlightening studies that we have been able to confer information with. This is why alien craft are seen leaving in the Bermuda Triangle and the Devils Sea in Japan, due to the magnetic field altering, and these fields cover 12 points on the Earth. We have aligned how the Earth functions as a hyperbola action and that the core activity is the major response system to our evolution. Through discussions we discovered what the pyramids were used for and their energy outcomes involving the use of granite and water involving cold fusion, which led to the Mage Order, the Priests understanding acute energy functions they used in Temple. This is the Sephirothic Tree of Life. We also discovered how abusive this system became and have decoded "lost" knowledge of the Kabbalistic Magic form that evolved our current day religions, their Temple ceremonies and how Jesus was a Mage and the true "crucifixion" is found in alchemy, the 7 days that it takes to create, making the 7th the Sacred or Sabbath day of rest. How being "nailed" to the cross was an alchemy outcome enacted by Christ-Light in Temple. NASA has done study on water in space and through an astronaut "stumbling" into water activity is evolving into a new thought about planets evolving from water. Water technology itself has also assisted our study and information and how it forms crystal patterns from emotional vibrations. Our study has taken 15 years, beginning at energy basics, as I have had no experience or done any study on physics, geometry etc. Through our discussions we gained information from our very beginnings to our current evolution, and this information contains some of the insights from our correlations. We feel this is going to be a very insightful aid for those who have always questioned how our spirit "light" bodies fit into the creational picture.
Kind regards
Wendy Moir

Nuclear energy

"The discovery of nuclear chain reactions need not bring about the destruction of mankind any more than did the discovery of matches. We only must do everything in our power to safeguard against its abuse."
Albert Einstein
One of the most mysterious phenomena in the universe is the conversion of mass into energy. The whole universe is "powered" by this process. The energy radiated by stars, including the Sun, arises from nuclear reactions (called fusion) deep in their interiors. The release of nuclear energy occurs through the fusion of two light hydrogen nuclei into a heavier nucleus of helium.

Until about 1800, the principal fuel on our planet was wood, its energy originating from solar energy stored in plants during their lifetimes.Since the Industrial Revolution, people have depended on fossil fuels—coal, petroleum, and natural gas—also derived from stored solar energy. When a fossil fuel such as coal is burned, atoms of hydrogen and carbon in the coal combine with oxygen atoms in air. Water and carbon dioxide are produced and heat is released. This amount of energy is typical of chemical reactions resulting from changes in the electronic structure of the atoms. A part of the energy released as heat keeps the adjacent fuel hot enough to keep the reaction going.In a nuclear reaction, however, the energy released is often about 10 million times greater than in a chemical reaction, and the change in mass can easily be measured.Until about 1800, the principal fuel on our planet was wood, its energy originating from solar energy stored in plants during their lifetimes.Since the Industrial Revolution, people have depended on fossil fuels—coal, petroleum, and natural gas—also derived from stored solar energy. When a fossil fuel such as coal is burned, atoms of hydrogen and carbon in the coal combine with oxygen atoms in air. Water and carbon dioxide are produced and heat is released. This amount of energy is typical of chemical reactions resulting from changes in the electronic structure of the atoms. A part of the energy released as heat keeps the adjacent fuel hot enough to keep the reaction going.In a nuclear reaction, however, the energy released is often about 10 million times greater than in a chemical reaction, and the change in mass can easily be measured.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Time,Time and Time.........

hello guysi just wanna share my ideas with u.dont no weter dis is correct.consider we have achieved in making a vehicle vich can go with the speed of light.i think dat if v travel in a linear motion,we may go 2 d future.explanation:linear motion is type of traveling 2 da future of space.v no space and timer our linear motion may lead us 2 future of time.this also can b proved by the method of time,consider the motion 2 b this case v may go 2 the pastexplanation:circular motion is type of travelling past of the space.the starting and ending points are the and time r related.this may lead us 2 the past of time.just think over it and give ur ideas.note:speed of light is just an assumption.please share your comments