Friday, October 3, 2008

Time,Time and Time.........

hello guysi just wanna share my ideas with u.dont no weter dis is correct.consider we have achieved in making a vehicle vich can go with the speed of light.i think dat if v travel in a linear motion,we may go 2 d future.explanation:linear motion is type of traveling 2 da future of space.v no space and timer our linear motion may lead us 2 future of time.this also can b proved by the method of time,consider the motion 2 b this case v may go 2 the pastexplanation:circular motion is type of travelling past of the space.the starting and ending points are the and time r related.this may lead us 2 the past of time.just think over it and give ur ideas.note:speed of light is just an assumption.please share your comments

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